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Posters and Late Breaking Events

See Programme Overview – AIED2022 for updated Posters Schedule.

Face-to-face (Onsite) Poster Instructions

Dear poster presenters, here you can find the information that should help you prepare in-person posters that will be presented at the conference site in Durham. If you (or your co-authors) also plan to present your poster online, see also information below.

The conference provides large multi-panel poster boards for placing physical posters. Each panel is 150 x 70 cm. We have attached an image of such a board, with a door in the background, for scale. We plan to place 4 posters on each of these boards: 2 on each side, with empty panels in-between. Hence, the optimal size and layout for your poster is A1-size portrait-orientation.

You will need to print it and bring with you to Durham. For more information on the dimensions of the specified paper sizes, please see

Online Poster Instructions

Here we have summarised the information that should help you prepare your online poster, should you choose to present it online. If you (or your co-authors) also present your poster on-site, see above instructions.

The conference uses the online environment for organising online poster presentations, see information at Virtual Space for Posters and Networking: vTogether – AIED2022. You will receive additional instructions on how to connect to it and navigate there via email. At this point, we would like to ask you to prepare your online poster files and submit them using the Google form linked below. You need to prepare your poster in A1 format in portrait orientation. Save it as a PNG file (up to  5 Mb). Use the highest possible resolution.

In addition, please, prepare a brief video of your poster presentation (1-3 min.).

The best way to distribute the video is by uploading it to YouTube. You can make it unlisted but not private. You will need to submit the link using the same form below.

Your poster and the link to your video will be available to all conference participants throughout both the EDM and AIED 2022 conferences. In addition, two dedicated online poster sessions are organised on July 29, 2022 (check Programme Overview – AIED2022 ( for latest schedule updates):

• Session 1 – from 6:30 to 8:15 (UK times)

• Session 2 – from 17:15 to 19:00 (UK times)

The time slots are indicated according to the conference time zone: UTC+01:00.

When filling-in the form, please, indicate which of the poster sessions you can attend to present your poster live.

Please, fill-in the form no later than July 04, 2022. The conference organisers need some time to place your poster and the link to your video presentation in the environment.

The link to the poster submission form is at: 

For information on the dimensions of the specified paper sizes, please see:

If you have any questions, please contact the Poster Chairs Sergey and Carrie: [email protected] ,[email protected]